Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Felixstowe Museum Website

I note with sadness that the website I created for Felixstowe Museum in 2007 and updated regularly with information about new displays and events, appears to have been abandoned since I resigned on August 1 due to failing health and the cost of the weekly drive to Felixstowe, in spite of my efforts to effect a smooth transition to a new webmaster.

I send my apologies to the 20 or so tourism and information websites who kindly allowed links on their own sites, which now contain inaccurate information and announcements of 'forthcoming' events which finished several months ago. The volunteers who keep the museum ruinning deserve better than this!

I regret that I am no longer able to access the site to repair the damage, and sincerely hope that whoever now has the password will find someone to help with an urgent update before the new season commences.

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